Enterprise Risk Management
299 white papers and resources
Risk Library hosts a wide range of enterprise risk management white papers and analyst reports by leading experts, providing a valuable information resource which can be used to limit your organisation’s risk exposure and help utilise any opportunities which may arise. Risk Library defines enterprise risk management (ERM) as the processes of managing risks that may deter a company from achieving its objectives. ERM is the integrated framework that helps a business identifying, assesses, organise, and plan activities to strengthen its position. It encompasses regulation, issues relating to internal control and strategic planning, amongst others.
Bringing Real-time Risk into the Decision-making Process
This whitepaper explores how using integrated analysis tools with drill down and real-time capabilities is essential for effective decision-making in today’s complex derivatives trading arena. It discusses how integrating risk, collateral and capital costs into the front office opens the gateway…
Negative Rates: The Challenge and the Opportunity
Negative interest rates have recently become a critically important issue in finance, as they impact some of the most basic calculations and procedures used by the financial community. Two prominent examples are the quotation of option volatilities and volatility smile interpolation models.
Equity Market Pulse, Issue 4 - Q2 2015
This white paper - driven by proprietary data and analytics - provides insights into the global equity market fundamentals and performance. Spanning developed and emerging markets in the Americas, Europe, and Asia, it provides perspective on fundamentals, valuations and investment strategy…
Internal Audit Management: Internal audit and its evolving role in GRC
This white paper looks at the evolution of audit, independent assurance versus integrated partnership, as well as, the change from “Docu-centric” to “data-centric”. It goes onto provide insight into audit and risk mitigation synergy.
Navigating the Murky Waters of Initial Margin for OTC Derivatives
This white paper looks at a breakdown of the different regulations for non-centrally cleared trades, how the new IM requirements affect the OTC derivative markets participants, IM based methodologies, the potential issues of the new sanctions and how to manage the ambiguities around IM.
Free webinar: Optimise IT governance with a sustainable risk and compliance approach: aligning IT with corporate initiatives, strategy and regulatory requirements
Free webinar: Optimise IT governance with a sustainable risk and compliance approach: aligning IT with corporate initiatives, strategy and regulatory requirements. 9th of July, 3pm BST/10 am ET.
Creating Effective Risk Models Using Machine Intelligence
This white paper looks into the current approaches to risk model development, validation, and monitoring. It goes further by discussing the challenges business face within these areas and examines how machine intelligence can provide solutions.
Hedge Funds: Facing new challenges
The global financial markets are on the threshold of a new regulatory era. Technology will undoubtedly underpin hedge funds’ efforts to comply and compete in this changing environment. But is it better to build tailor-made systems in-house or use a third-party provider of off-the-shelf products?
Predictive intelligence, advanced analytics and the future of risk-aware decision making
There are a lot of similarities between risk management and weather forecasting, and risk management professionals can learn a lot fromstudying how weather forecasters have approached the challenging task of predicting future events. An important component of a risk manager’s job involves…
Top-Tier US Banks Capital Plans
This white paper highlights the key elements of the banks’ capital plan submissions which were identified as suffering from critical weaknesses. The thirty top tier US banks now involved in this high stakes annual assessment are painfully aware that even a passing grade is insufficient to meet…