Risk Management
890 white papers and resources
Risk Library provides a selection of risk management white papers which address key questions which can be used in reducing the dangers for your organisation faces and how to utilise any opportunities which may ensue to their maximum capability. Risk management is the assessment and mitigation of risks which have arisen by changes on a local or global scale. Risk management may involve realising opportunities that have resulted from these changes. Within the context of the Risk Library, risk management has been defined under asset liability management, credit risk, enterprise risk management, liquidity risk, market risk, operational risk and settlement risk.
Dynamic Stress Test Diffusion Model Considering the Credit Score Performance
This white paper proposes a methodology that diffuses dynamically the stress on the credit rating scale while considering the performance of the credit score. Consequently, the aim is to more accurately reflect the impact of the stress on the portfolio by taking into account the purity of the score…
Equity Market Pulse, Issue 2 – Q4 2014
Driven by S&P Capital IQ’s™ proprietary data and analytics, Equity Market Pulse provides professional investors with insights into global equity market fundamentals and performance at a glance. Spanning developed and emerging markets in the Americas, Europe, and Asia, it provides perspective on…
Equity Market Pulse, Issue 3 – Q1 2015
Equity Market Pulse provides professional investors with insights into global equity market fundamentals and performance at a glance. Spanning developed and emerging markets in the Americas, Europe and Asia, it provides perspective on fundamentals, valuations and investment strategy effectiveness.
Special report: Unauthorised trading
Download this special report from Operational Risk & Regulation to find out why the risk of unauthorised trading grows from cultural and control problems and what can be learned from UBS’s $2.3 billion rogue trading loss uncovered in 2011. Read also an interview with Neil Roth, New York-based head…
Operational challenges facing investment managers in 2015
In this white paper, we discuss the industry challenges uncovered by this research, including: The heavy impact of regulation on investment managers– Managing regulatory reporting and compliance is taking up considerable time and effort. As a result, less time is available to innovate and respond…
Emerging Themes 2015 Another turbulent year for financial regulation
2015 is set to be another turbulent year for the financial services industry, especially for those working in UK banks. Few would disagree that there needs to be a significant improvement in banking standards or that bankers should be remunerated in a way that incentivises good behaviour and does…
OpRisk & Regulation: GRC Special Report
Within this special report CoreStream offer a set of considerations when implementing or refining a GRC practice (pages 4 and 5) and Oracle discuss risk/reward and big data and how it can benefit the Governance Risk and Compliance process (pages 10 and 11).
Expectations of Risk Management Outpacing Capabilities – It’s Time For Action
Risk management is at the top of the global executive agenda as companies face an array of threats that grow more complexby the day. This white paper looks at why risk management capability are not advancing fast enough at most companies.
Introducing an Advanced CTRM Solution for Global Energy and Commodity Trading
We combined a market-leading, proprietary provider of news, weather and marketing analysis with a SaaS solution for the energy and commodity trading sectors to create a web-based, multi-commodity integrated risk management solution that will transform the way you do business. This resulted in a…
Legal Risk Benchmarking Survey: Results and Analysis
In 2003 the Basle Capital Accord set the challenge to Financial Institutions: to create systems and controls that will contribute to the management of ‘the legal aspects of operational risk’ (legal risk). But although Financial Services dominate this area, legal risk is an issue across all sectors…