Risk Management
890 white papers and resources
Risk Library provides a selection of risk management white papers which address key questions which can be used in reducing the dangers for your organisation faces and how to utilise any opportunities which may ensue to their maximum capability. Risk management is the assessment and mitigation of risks which have arisen by changes on a local or global scale. Risk management may involve realising opportunities that have resulted from these changes. Within the context of the Risk Library, risk management has been defined under asset liability management, credit risk, enterprise risk management, liquidity risk, market risk, operational risk and settlement risk.
Trends, Risks and Opportunities in Collateral Management in Asia
Collateral is viewed as both a solution to and a trigger of massive financial losses that occurred as a result of the financial crisis of 2008. In response, Asian policymakers introduced new rules and legislation, such as the amendments to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act in Japan, as…
Trading in FX an Equinix Series Part Three: The Equinix FX Ecosystems
This third and final part of the series reviews the growth of the FX trading community inside Equinix data centers and the role it plays in today’s global FX market, looking ahead at how trends may evolve in the future.
Trading in FX – Series Part One: Current Market Overview, Challenges and Opportunities
The global foreign exchange (FX) market has enjoyed a period of sustained growth in the last ten years, from around $2 trillion average daily turnover in 2004 totoday’s levels of around $5.3 trillion.
Integrating Risk into Pre-Trade Analysis: Practical Ways of Bringing Credit, Liquidity, Funding and Regulatory Costs into an Integrated Profitability Framework
As regulations in the derivatives market continue to be rolled out and implemented, financial institutions face growing pressure on their current business models. To survive and thrivein this new era of derivatives trading, today’s practitioners need to adopt a more integrated and holistic approach…
Reinforcing Market Confidence with Consistent Stress Testing
In this paper we will explore how financial institutions are able to systematically increase the confidence from both their customers and regulators by applying integrated and consistent stress testing techniques and methodologies.
Liquidity risk management: assessing and planning for adverse events
This paper takes a close look at the factors involved in the recent crisis and the patterns that resulted in widespread liquidity problems. It also points to specific vulnerabilities faced by financial institutions currently, and highlights best practices for liquidity risk management. Findings…
Optimizing the Capital Ratio under Basel III
Basel III stresses the integration between liquidity and credit risk, and the need to manage both from an enterprise-wide risk-management context. This demands a new enterprise-wide organization of tasks, processes, and calculation infrastructure, specifically in terms of systemsintegration, data…
Learn the Fundamentals of Managing Liquidity Under US Basel III Webinar
The developments in liquidity management regulations present significant challenges to organizations covered by US Basel III. Watch this webinar, to understand: The key aspects of the U.S. Basel III liquidity regulations. The critical challenges in implementing the liquidity elements of U.S. Basel…
Deriving Greater Enterprise-wide Risk Insight from Stronger Data Quality Management
The main issues associated with data quality in banking demonstrate that data silos continue to be the main cause of data quality issues. The paper outlines best practices banks can leverage to improve data accuracy, quality, and access across the organization.
Adapting Financial Institutions’ Liquidity Risk Management Framework to the New Regulatory Environment
This whitepaper reviews the fundamental changes of Liquidity Risk Management under Basel III. It discusses how institutions can meet the regulatory requirements on liquidity risk management by enhancing their liquidity risk analytics, funds transfer pricing methodologies, liquidity stress testing…