Risk Management
890 white papers and resources
Risk Library provides a selection of risk management white papers which address key questions which can be used in reducing the dangers for your organisation faces and how to utilise any opportunities which may ensue to their maximum capability. Risk management is the assessment and mitigation of risks which have arisen by changes on a local or global scale. Risk management may involve realising opportunities that have resulted from these changes. Within the context of the Risk Library, risk management has been defined under asset liability management, credit risk, enterprise risk management, liquidity risk, market risk, operational risk and settlement risk.
Market Risk Analytics: Where Are We Now?
This report, based on a survey of 31 major banks, explores the current state of market risk analytics across the banking sector. It looks at the progress being made in the implementation of new market risk frameworks and infrastructure and the key challenges facing banks in facilitating these…
Buy-side Collateral Management - Challenges and Opportunities
The current pace of regulatory change can seem overwhelming to many buy-side firms trading Derivatives. The move to central clearing of some OTC products has raised a number of new challenges around the collateral management process that buy-side firms must deal with. This paper considers the…
Enhanced Alpha from Operational Efficiency
Innovative technology is all around us, and hedge funds might well questionits value as a differentiator in today’s highly competitive market. But that does not mean there is nothing to be gained from keeping pace with change – to the contrary, rather than relying on new developments to make…
Lead into Gold: How Smart Cubes Are Poised to Deliver The Fast Track to Enhanced Risk Management and Compliance
Financial institutions everywhere are facing major data management challenges as they strive to meet emerging regulatory requirements. Broad regulations like FINREP, COREP and MiFID II are all placing new reporting demands on banks and other financial firms. At the same time, individual…
How is regulatory stress-testing shaping the future for banks?
Out of the shortcomings exposed in banks’ traditional risk managementprocesses during the recent global financial crisis, comes the critical need for improvement. Although the list of needed repairs is long and growing, one particular high-profile risk management requirement is subject to…
FCA’s Use of Dealing Commission
On 10th July 2014 the FCA issued Discussion Paper 14/31 on the use of dealing commission regime: “Feedback on our thematic supervisory review and policy debate on the market for research”. This Discussion Paper builds on the Consultation Paper CP 13/17: “Consultation on use of dealingcommission…
Solvency II — Setting higher goals for competitive advantage
This white paper focuses on the practicalities of the internal modeling approach to Solvency II for calculating solvency capital (Pillar 1), providing appropriate governance in the calculation process (Pillar 2) and incorporating the model results into business decisions and stakeholder reporting …
Bloomberg Ready to Support Buy-side in Valuation & Collateral Reporting under EMIR
Back in February this year, buy-side institutions and their bank counterparts were required to start reporting derivative trades and positions under EMIR (European Market Infrastructure Regulation). Bloomberg moved quickly to provide its EMIR reporting solution under this first phase and is already…
Credit risk management Collateral, covenants and risk review
Credit risk management only begins with the approval of a loan.The ongoing processes of managing collateral, loan covenants, and monitoring the borrower’s financial condition are key to ensuring that the bank is in the best position to minimize its loss, should the borrower encounter issues with…
Toward active management of counterparty credit risk with CVA
Emerging from the credit crisis that began in 2007, many financialinstitutions recognize the need to better manage counterparty credit risk (CCR) and have begun to centralize the quantification, pricing and management of their CCR. This centralization often takes the form of a “CVA Trading Desk”…