Risk Management

890 white papers and resources

Risk Library provides a selection of risk management white papers which address key questions which can be used in reducing the dangers for your organisation faces and how to utilise any opportunities which may ensue to their maximum capability. Risk management is the assessment and mitigation of risks which have arisen by changes on a local or global scale. Risk management may involve realising opportunities that have resulted from these changes. Within the context of the Risk Library, risk management has been defined under asset liability management, credit risk, enterprise risk management, liquidity risk, market risk, operational risk and settlement risk.

Unlocking FATCA and CRS

At the end of October 2014, the UK and 50 other countries from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) signed up to the Common Reporting Standard (CRS). Governments have committed to implement automatic exchange of tax information in 2017. CRS: A Game-Changer CRS is…

Tackling the growing risk of cyber crime

The risk of cyber-attacks on financial institutions is highly topical but not a new issue. However, what is changing, and rapidly, is the scale, frequency and sophistication of attacks. Financial institutions rely on technology to deliver convenient internet services to customers and to operate…